Let me hear you call my name.



Photobucket Name : Meshaleni a/p Naresh Kumar

Photobucket ID number : 012012050185

Photobucket Lecturer/Subject/Code : Miss. B/English for General Purpose/UCS1173

Photobucket University : Management and Science University

Photobucket D.O.B/P.O.B/Age : 8 August 1994/ Seremban, Negeri Sembilan/ 18 yrs old

Photobucket Add me on Facebook : meshametha@yahoo.com

Photobucket Follow me on Twitter : @NksMesha


More than words.
Your tagboard here. :) You could insert a few more sections if you want to put your music player / twitter widget and others.

You know you love music, too.
Let's take a walk down, Memory Lane.
Friday 30 November 2012

Hello, Bye :)